Buxoro shahar statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Jo'rayev Umid Shuxratovich

Telefon: (65) 223-08-92, (65) 220-83-29

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Buxoro shahri, Sadriddin Ayniy ko'chasi, 3-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Buxoroshaharstat  

Bo'lim nizomi


Kogon shahar statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Azamov Jovohir Akramovich

Telefon: (65) 524-79-66, (65) 220-83-30

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Kogon shahri, Buxoro shox ko'chasi, 16-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Kogonshaharstat

Bo'lim nizomi

Olot tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Jumaev Norsaid Itolmasovich

Telefon:(65)-342-26-71, (65) 220-83-31

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Olot tumani, Olot ko'chasi, 75-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Olottumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi


Buxoro tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Qahhorov Doniyor Solexovich

Telefon: (65) 600-81-89, (65) 220-83-32

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Buxoro tumani, Buyuk Ipak yo'li ko'chasi, 54-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Buxorotumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi


Vobkent tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Shomurodov Bobomurod Dilmurodovich

Telefon: (65) 332-17-11, (65) 220-83-33

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Vobkent tumani, Yarasheva ko'chasi, 25-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Vobkenttumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi


G'ijduvon tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Jahonqulov Nodirbek Ulugʻbekovich

Telefon: (65) 770-05-35, (65) 220-83-34

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, G'ijduvon tumani, Chorsu ko'chasi, 97-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Gijduvontumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi


Kogon tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Sirochev Yusufjon O`tkir o`g`li

Telefon: (65) 524-53-78, (65) 220-83-35

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Kogon shahri, Buxoro shox ko'chasi, 14-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Kogontumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi



Qorako'l tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Azimov Davron Norqulovich

Telefon: (65) 565-28-18, (65) 220-83-36

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Qorako'l tumani, Gulobod ko'chasi, 56-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Qorakultumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi



Qorovulbozor tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Jumayev Farrux Ubaydullayevich

Telefon: (65) 364-12-23, (65) 220-83-41

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Qorovulbozor tumani, Buyuk Ipak yo'li ko'chasi, 54-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Qorovulbozortumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi



Peshko' tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Vakant

Telefon: (65) 353-13-63, (65) 220-83-39

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Peshku tumani, A.Temur ko'chasi, 35-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Peshkutumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi



Romitan tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Aslanov Firuz Abdullaevich

Telefon: (65) 552-19-80, (65) 220-83-37

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Romitan tumani, Buxoro ko'chasi, 5-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Romitantumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi



Jondor tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Ismoilov Kamol Jamol oʻgʻli

Telefon: (65) 582-19-52, (65) 220-83-40

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Jondor tumani, M.Tarobiy ko'chasi, 27-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Jondortumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi



Shofirkon tuman statistika bo'limi

Boshliq: Azimov Bahodir Xalloqovich

Telefon: (65) 502-35-90, (65) 220-83-38

Manzil: Buxoro viloyati, Shofirkon tumani, Mustaqillik ko'chasi, 6-uy

Elektron pochta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Telegram guruh: t.me/Shofirkontumanstat

Bo'lim nizomi


Tugmani bosing Tinglash GSpeech
Tugmani bosing Tinglash GSpeech